Friday, June 5, 2009

WASSUP!? change...

Obama and his campaign team took a fairly well-known commercial and turned it into something serious which the people living in the U.S. could relate to. From a funny and memorable commercial advertising "Budweiser," it became something that made people think about who to vote for carefully and realize that anything could happen, including a change. In both commercials, they had the same men except in different situations.

The U.S economy has not been doing well within the past few years, resulting in extreme problems affecting many American citizens. Now, the citizens are facing hardships such as the ones showed in the commercial. These hardships in the commercial include hurricanes as well as the after affects, global warming, the war in Iraq, the stock market crash and the increase in unemployment. The people in the Budweiser commercial seemed so happy and care-free due to Budweiser. But the people in the election commercial faced struggles and in the end, they saw Barack Obama as their way out of the economic crisis and all of their problems. They seeked for Obama's help and Obama was capable of convincing them that he could help change the condition America was heading for. Though althrough that campaign depressing issues were conversed, the end when the last wassup was said and his response was change, it gave a sign of hope. Obama is hope.