Friday, June 5, 2009

"Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy"

“ Good Morning! It is currently 7:32 am you are listening to Flow 93.5 Tor….” The sound of my radio clock wakes me up. I look into the mirror realizing how my hair was totally not working with me today. I plug in my hair straightener. While I wait, I pull on my crisp, recently ironed, shirt. After running the hair straightener through my hair a few times I go and get cleaned in the washroom. With a few minutes to spare i grab breakfast, hop on the car and head for school.

Within the hour I have used technology constantly from the hair straightener to the radio clock. With a constantly rapid lifestyle we don’t often notice these small encounters with technology in life. Its these little things that we should be thankful for, but are often forgotten. But who blames us we are the generations of the technology.

My mom often say .. “ back in my days we never needed a cell phones or lap tops”. But I believe that there simply isn’t a comparison. At the rate technology is growing we don’t stop to think how fortunate we are to have these new inventions that makes are life so much easier.

We are human, we aim for the best. It is or desire for new technology that is allowing this growth in technology. We often forget to show appreciation simply because we believe its not necessary because there will always be something that will be better and faster. With the amount of prosperous technology at this point there is no turning back. We can only continue to go forward because if we do not roll at the speed of technology we will only be left behind, furthering the distance between you and the rest of the world.