Friday, June 5, 2009

"Cellphone Elbow"?

I’ve heard of “tennis elbow” but “Cell phone elbows”? We’ve done it again! Apparently cell phone elbow is caused by too much bending of your arm to put a cell phone to your ear. Cell phones has been so popular and overused there is a condition for using it. From cell phones the size of thermoses to the first cell phones with caller ID to now, cell phones that can do online banking. Cell phones have come along way. With the convenience that cell phone bring, you can’t blame us for over using it. With cell phones, you can call, text, email, and even twitter someone. This little device can bring you all kinds of services with the touch of buttons. With the numerous of positive factors of cell phones also comes the problems cell phone brings. We’ve have grown so attached to our cellular devices we can be considered lost without them. We are so attached to our cellular devices; we often use it at the worst time possible, like during class or even at the dinner table. Since using cellular device become a popular trend amount this generation I believe that there should be a set of boundaries for using cellular devices

“Cell Phone Etiquette”

1. Be considerate when you are on your cell phone in public, speak with an indoor voice, no one needs to know what you ate for dinner last night.
2. Understand the environment your in. Your phone does not always have to be on. You need to know when to turn it off.
3. Texting during class is not any better then calling. Respect you teacher and give them your full attention.
4. Keep your phone on vibrate or silent when necessary.
5. Do not text or take calls when driving, no call is worth giving up your life for.


hannahlee said...

Wow, i've never heard the term "cellphone elbow" before. I think i have suffered from it, several times in the past. ;P