Friday, June 5, 2009

hip hip HORRAY! Final Post :)

Another year has zoomed by. This year I had many ups and downs but i enjoyed my grade 10 year a lot. Finally I’m finished! Though Comp tech had been time consuming, I enjoyed it plenty. This year I learned to use Photoshop illustrator and movie maker. i rewally enjoyed thecircus colIage becuse it brought me down memory lane. On the other hand i didn't enjoy vectorizing quite as much beacuse had a few problems with the artist vectorizing project. You can not understand the wave of frustration that washed over me when I was about to drag my unit 10/11 to the comm inbox folder and it said " file corrupted". but there was nothing i could do except redoing it =(. I also really liked using Photoshop, I especially enjoyed working on the multiple exposure project. I look forward to using my new skills in the future!

I commented on :


Priscilla Chen -"Cell Phone Etiquette"

Velanie George - " Sitting in a Chair in the Sky"

Jillian De Las Alas -"Colossal U Add Campaign "

Erika Rose Bautista - "Fiiiist Post :D"

Monique Angelica Lim- "The Campaign Trail"

WASSUP!? change...

Obama and his campaign team took a fairly well-known commercial and turned it into something serious which the people living in the U.S. could relate to. From a funny and memorable commercial advertising "Budweiser," it became something that made people think about who to vote for carefully and realize that anything could happen, including a change. In both commercials, they had the same men except in different situations.

The U.S economy has not been doing well within the past few years, resulting in extreme problems affecting many American citizens. Now, the citizens are facing hardships such as the ones showed in the commercial. These hardships in the commercial include hurricanes as well as the after affects, global warming, the war in Iraq, the stock market crash and the increase in unemployment. The people in the Budweiser commercial seemed so happy and care-free due to Budweiser. But the people in the election commercial faced struggles and in the end, they saw Barack Obama as their way out of the economic crisis and all of their problems. They seeked for Obama's help and Obama was capable of convincing them that he could help change the condition America was heading for. Though althrough that campaign depressing issues were conversed, the end when the last wassup was said and his response was change, it gave a sign of hope. Obama is hope.


The legendary Mary Ward had did it again! After last years amazing art show, echo, it was a tough act to follow. This year¸Eccentrick, has defiantly measured up to its highest potential.

The circus themed art show stretch from the visual art room to the tech rooms. Every inch of the halls and rooms are filled with visual art, media art and photographs. Not that I’m blowing my own horn, but Mary Ward’s art show has never failed to surprise me and this year was no different. To hear the numerous compliments makes the amount time, money and effort spent on the art show worthwhile.

I also got to view a few of the grade tens and grade 12 films. Though the grade ten videos were obviously not at the same level as the grade twelve, but they were still very striking. One of the movies I especially like was the battery movie, simple yet entertaining. This year art show also incorporated a graffiti station which turned out to be a huge hit. Many people had fun watching students rap and dance. With so many impressive pieces of work in the art show it is hard to pick a piece of art I especially like. But if I were to pick I believe the trains in the entrance really grasped the theme well. The mask done by the grade twelve were also very impressive. Each masked represent a different message, each so different yet similar.

Eccentrick was a huge success thanks to the students and staff from the art department. I can’t wait till the next art show!

"Cellphone Elbow"?

I’ve heard of “tennis elbow” but “Cell phone elbows”? We’ve done it again! Apparently cell phone elbow is caused by too much bending of your arm to put a cell phone to your ear. Cell phones has been so popular and overused there is a condition for using it. From cell phones the size of thermoses to the first cell phones with caller ID to now, cell phones that can do online banking. Cell phones have come along way. With the convenience that cell phone bring, you can’t blame us for over using it. With cell phones, you can call, text, email, and even twitter someone. This little device can bring you all kinds of services with the touch of buttons. With the numerous of positive factors of cell phones also comes the problems cell phone brings. We’ve have grown so attached to our cellular devices we can be considered lost without them. We are so attached to our cellular devices; we often use it at the worst time possible, like during class or even at the dinner table. Since using cellular device become a popular trend amount this generation I believe that there should be a set of boundaries for using cellular devices

“Cell Phone Etiquette”

1. Be considerate when you are on your cell phone in public, speak with an indoor voice, no one needs to know what you ate for dinner last night.
2. Understand the environment your in. Your phone does not always have to be on. You need to know when to turn it off.
3. Texting during class is not any better then calling. Respect you teacher and give them your full attention.
4. Keep your phone on vibrate or silent when necessary.
5. Do not text or take calls when driving, no call is worth giving up your life for.

"Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy"

“ Good Morning! It is currently 7:32 am you are listening to Flow 93.5 Tor….” The sound of my radio clock wakes me up. I look into the mirror realizing how my hair was totally not working with me today. I plug in my hair straightener. While I wait, I pull on my crisp, recently ironed, shirt. After running the hair straightener through my hair a few times I go and get cleaned in the washroom. With a few minutes to spare i grab breakfast, hop on the car and head for school.

Within the hour I have used technology constantly from the hair straightener to the radio clock. With a constantly rapid lifestyle we don’t often notice these small encounters with technology in life. Its these little things that we should be thankful for, but are often forgotten. But who blames us we are the generations of the technology.

My mom often say .. “ back in my days we never needed a cell phones or lap tops”. But I believe that there simply isn’t a comparison. At the rate technology is growing we don’t stop to think how fortunate we are to have these new inventions that makes are life so much easier.

We are human, we aim for the best. It is or desire for new technology that is allowing this growth in technology. We often forget to show appreciation simply because we believe its not necessary because there will always be something that will be better and faster. With the amount of prosperous technology at this point there is no turning back. We can only continue to go forward because if we do not roll at the speed of technology we will only be left behind, furthering the distance between you and the rest of the world.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gaming Gone Wild

Since as long as I could remember, my life has been surrounded by piles and piles of technology. Seeing as that I am of the later generation, it is of no surprise that most of my free time is spent on the computer. With a rather strict father, hand –held games and games systems are absolutely prohibited. On the other hand my mom loves “gaming”, she finally manage to persuade my dad to allow a Nintendo Wii game system in the house. With the new game system, I feel that it is my duty to make up for the years that I have missed. From guitar hero to cooking mama I’ve played it all. Times seem to fly when I’m on the Wii. If not for the Wii’s game log, I would not realize the amount of time I spent hovering in front television set.

I have even reached extremes from staying up till 3 am in the morning trying to finish all the recipes from cooking mama to playing guitar hero till my wrist ached. Fatigue , aching wrists, flying remotes are only a few symptoms of a new Wii system in the house and i have experienced it all.

Though a great amount of my time is lost on the Wii. I believe that Wii has it's positive points also. Wii is a negotiation between video games and exercise.It also has actually offered some quality time with my family. Often we spend time as a family playing on the Wii and watching my mom box with my dad on the Wii is quite the scene. Though video games are often portraid as an absolutly negative invetion. I believe that a moderate amount of video games is acceptable.

Wii game system: $ 259.95.

DDR Hottest Party: $76.79.

Time Wasted: uncountable

Watching your dad struggle on the DDR mat PRICELESS.